Cropped Will Cardini artwork

December 27th, 2007

"The Eyes of the Overworld" by Jack Vance (1966)

Filed under: Uncategorized — William Cardini @ 9:57 pm

The Eyes of the Overworld_Jack Vance_1966
Originally uploaded by M I I Z Z Z A R D

I seriously doubt I’ll ever read this but I found it on one of my parents’ bookshelves and thought the title was awesome. Here’s a snippet from the back cover blurb: “In this world of mystery and danger, the adventurer known as Cugel the Clever was forced to undertake a quest for lucounu [sic?] the Laughing Magician – a quest that as to take him to lands stranger than any he had dreamed of, and pit his wits and his sword against
powers from beyond time itself.” The bold text is what interests me.

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