Cropped Will Cardini artwork

January 6th, 2009


Filed under: Inspiration — Tags: — William Cardini @ 1:02 am

Ever since I deinstalled my MASS show, I’ve been really struggling with what direction my art should go in. I’m interested in too many things, and I go in too many directions, making my artistic practice fractured and inconsistent. I never have time to fully develop any idea, or make anything other than derivative iterations of the same idea.

So this has been really stewing in my mind over these past few weeks, and I was trawling the internet today, hoping to stumble on something that could really give me some direction. And I found this:

Peripetics from ZEITGUISED on Vimeo.

via Strange Harvest.

Its exactly what I want to be doing. Animations of strange inhuman objects. Although Zeitguised sets their fantasias in a digital gallery …