Cropped Will Cardini artwork

August 31st, 2010

Studio Setup and In-Progress Painting Shots

Filed under: Artwork — Tags: , , , — William Cardini @ 7:00 am

In order to really get in there and work on some large paintings for my upcoming show at Domy Houston, I crowbarred an easel into my already crowded studio. Here’s a shot of my new setup, with annotations below:

  1. Custodian CD
  2. Hat from the Very Large Array where they filmed Contact
  3. Multiforce by Mat Brinkman
  4. In-progress painting (see below)
  5. Stereo playing some DJ Screw
  6. Mistborn trilogy by Brandon Sanderson – a very interesting, innovative fantasy series, I’m super stoked to read the first book of his new multi-volume epic The Way of Kings
  7. Thanks for the birthday present Martin!
  8. Secret Prison #2
  9. Consider Phlebas by Iain M. Banks (not to be confused with Iain Banks) – I really enjoyed his book The Algebraist but I haven’t gotten to this book yet
  10. My stack of Wheel of Time books – I’ve been reading this series since junior high and I can’t wait for the final two volumes (I keep wanted to write a long blog post talking about how these books have influenced me and why I appreciate them but I’ll probably never write it)
  11. TV tray
  12. I really dig this chair

Here’s a more direct shot of the painting:

Here’s a shot zoomed in on one of the Miizzzards:

I finished this painting last nite. I’m going to take some better photos and post them later this week. I’m thinking that this image will end up being the postcard for the show.


  1. lookin sharp, so sharp!

    I wanna see that VLA hat though, seems like a ruse!

    Comment by josh — August 31st, 2010 @ 6:35 pm

  2. ha thanks Josh! Here’s a pic of a new VLA hat from their online shop (you could order your own!).

    I tried to find a pic of me wearing it on the internet but its locked within facebook’s walled garden.

    Comment by Mark P Hensel — September 2nd, 2010 @ 12:16 pm

  3. This post is so groovy! Wow! It’s so cool when people show their studios. I don’t know why… I sorta theoretically have one, but I never actually do any work in it. Maybe I should clean it up and use it. Mainly, i work out and about or at my dining room table. *shrug*

    The painting looks badass.

    Comment by BradyDale — September 2nd, 2010 @ 11:43 am

  4. @Brady I’m glad you dug it, I had a lot of fun posting a picture of my studio and labeling everything in it.

    I love seeing other people’s workspaces too, there’s this blog 20 Questions with Cartoonists that ends each post with a studio pic, so dope.

    Sometimes I prefer drawing on the couch or the dining room table, it takes away some of the performance anxiety of sitting in your studio staring at a blank page.

    Comment by Mark P Hensel — September 2nd, 2010 @ 12:20 pm

  5. Doh-P

    Comment by Jak Cardini — September 2nd, 2010 @ 9:21 pm

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