Cropped Will Cardini artwork

September 17th, 2007

Manifesto #2

Filed under: Manifestos — Tags: — William Cardini @ 9:20 pm

We, the People of Space, call to the ears of all artonauts and astrotects:

Your eyes must be closed to the dread revelations of the sciences of space as they show the stars to be nothing more than dreary orbs of dry riverbeds or frozen gases. Open your inner eyes to the nite sky of the mind!

Never visit the all-too-real canals of Venice; rather, return again to the canals of Mars; let monsters climb back into the craters of the Moon; listen to Sun Ra, the only man to truly know Saturn; and remember, all artonauts and astrotects, the planets, those wandering stars, are named after Gods that once walked the world!

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