Cropped Will Cardini artwork

October 1st, 2010

Berserk by Kentaro Miura

Filed under: Inspiration — Tags: — William Cardini @ 7:25 am

Yesterday I finished volume two of Prison Pit by Johnny Ryan. I had read an interview with JR somewhere on the interwebs where he said that Kentaro Miura’s Berserk was an influence, so when my buddy and I were at I <3 Video deciding what anime to rent, I had to pick up the first disc of the Berserk anime series. It was pretty good, but now I really want to read the manga.

I mean, check out this page:

Look at how ridiculously large the main character’s sword is. I’m working on a similar character design so I’m taking notes.

Really though, this last drawing just kills it. I’m ordering all 34 volumes of the series that have been translated into English so far.


  1. The BERSERK anime is pretty good (it gets better as it goes on), but the comic is that sort of perfect mix of awesome and horrible.

    Comment by pete — October 6th, 2010 @ 11:59 pm

  2. Yeah I’ve been enjoying the Berserk anime (just watched up to Episode 5 last nite) but it hasn’t blown me away yet … I’ll just have to check out that comic. Looking at the covers, it seems like Miura has gotten a whole lot better as the series has progressed.

    Comment by Mark P Hensel — October 7th, 2010 @ 10:28 am

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